About the Sloane Elisabeth Foundation

The Sloane Elisabeth Foundation is a registered non-profit association that was established in 2019, for grieving parents and families who go through and are experiencing neonatal and other child loss. The purpose of this foundation is to not just raise money. It is established to build a community, and bring awareness to the lives lost so that no matter the time, or circumstances of the situation these families will always be supported and be heard.

This organization was created on behalf of Sloane Elisabeth Pomerville and established by Sloane’s grieving parents Genevieve and David Pomerville.

The mission of The SEF is to provide emotional and financial support to families who go through child loss. While the community we serve is primarily made up of parents, we also invite friends and other family members such as extended family or other children of the parents who may also be affected by these losses. We are committed to providing authentic support for every situation.

Our Board of Directors have been trained to deal with these crises, and have created unique versions of support for each unique loss.

Many women who go through child loss go through this grief alone. This loss has long-term repercussions, as scholars have pointed out. Rayna Markin, PhD, a licensed psychologist and associate professor at Villanova University who specializes in pregnancy loss and maternal mental health stated:

“As many as a quarter of women who experience a pregnancy loss have lasting adjustment problems. Some research suggests that up to 30 percent of pregnancy losses are followed by significant emotional reactions.”

(Psychotherapy, Vol. 54, No. 4, 2017).

One in ten of these women will have diagnosable disorders such as anxiety, depression or post-traumatic stress disorder. We believe there should be more information on how to help grieving parents, but there really isn’t.

The Sloane Elisabeth Foundation will allow for these conversations to become relevant, provide support and resources so that grieving parents are not alone and offer support at ease, and convenience so that parents can focus on healing themselves.

You can make a difference in the lives of these bereaved parents.

Help lift their burden by donating below: